Pac-Man to eat the ghosts for bonus points. Power pellets are also available, which temporarily allow Jr. The objective is to clear each maze by eating all the pellets while evading the ghosts that chase Jr. Pac-Man, players control the titular character as he navigates through various mazes, eating pellets and avoiding ghosts. Pac-Man remains a faithful adaptation of the original game in terms of gameplay and overall experience. Despite these differences, the Atari 2600 version of Jr. Pac-Man has mazes that scroll vertically and does not include escape tunnels. Unlike the original version, which features horizontally scrolling mazes with escape tunnels, the Atari 2600 version of Jr. Pac-Man, released by Atari in 1986, offers a unique adaptation of the original Bally Midway arcade game.

Thanks very much to Brad/Arma for helping with some Javascript things! Thanks to DigitalNinjaGraphics for the Shulk Monado Art and Pokemon Trainer and Mii Character Images.The Atari 2600 version of Jr. Hitbox pausing/framestep via Buzzfeed libgif-js and Featherlight.
I farmed no data myself, so be sure to thank those folks for all their hard work! Code Stuff Spot Dodges on stats page and additional automation thanks to GiefKid!

Additional data/information thanks to Struggleton, Lattie, EyeDonuts, Invy, Foxyjoe, Plague von Karma, aaronlink127, and Zeckemyro. Out of Shield options are from this Google Sheet. Thanks to Drafix570, Gengar6tomo, and Meshima for this spreadsheet source where most of the active frames came from-and thanks to Yikarur for translating. Hitbox images from Zeckemyro and EyeDonuts. Zapp Branniglenn's Google Sheet, Zeckemyro, Ruben_dal, Smash Wiki, and Kurogane Hammer. The regular lines indicate the angles like they are. It goes over a lot of these concepts!įOR ANGLES - 0 is horizontal, 90 is vertical. Check out this video, "Understanding Frame Data," from Izaw.Stale Moves affect advantage/disadvantage and occur when hitting a character as well as when hitting a shield.This includes projectiles which are active for a very long time and thus become much more advantaged the later they hit. On Shield advantage/disadvantage data assumes the move hits on its first Active Frame (hitting on a later active frame would be a meaty and can gain additional advantage relative to the later active frames).So a 6 frame grab would be 10 frames out of shield. Grabs used to happen instantly out of shield as well, but Ultimate added 4 frames to Grabs done after a hit connects with a shield. Aerials have 3 frames added to them because it takes 3 frames to leave the ground, so a 3 frame aerial would be 6 frames out of shield. So, since some characters have a 3 frame Up B, -3 would be unsafe against those characters. HUGE EXCEPTION: Jump, Up B, and Up Smash out of shield ignore Shield Drop frames. So if all else was equal, you could be as disadvantaged as -11 on an attack and still be "neutral". However, in Smash there is Shield Drop which takes 11 frames in Ultimate. In most games, being negative means you can't apply pressure since the defending opponent would be able to act before you as the attacker. Negative meaning the defender can act before the attacker. About On Shield data: The +/- refers to who can act first after an attack hits a shield.Grab after an attack hits your shield takes an additional 4 frames and does not incur Shield Drop.Jumping out of shield takes 3 frames and does not incur Shield Drop.Up B and Up Smash happen instantly out of shield and do not incur Shield Drop.Dropping your shield ( Shield Drop) takes 11 frames.Shield Stun is the amount of frames that the defender is stuck after Shield Lag ends. Shield Lag is just extra freeze frames that both the attacker and defender suffer, so it does not affect frame advantage.It costs $100 a year for the privilege to post an app on the Apple Store.