Lymphangiosarcoma most frequently occurs in cases of long-standing lymphedema. Lymphedema-associated lymphangiosarcoma is called Stewart–Treves syndrome. In rare cases, lymphedema may lead to a form of cancer called lymphangiosarcoma, although the mechanism of carcinogenesis is not understood. It is vital for lymphedema patients to be aware of the symptoms of infection and to seek immediate treatment, since recurrent infections or cellulitis, in addition to their inherent danger, further damage the lymphatic system and set up a vicious circle.
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This interferes with wound healing and provides a rich culture medium for bacterial growth that can result in infections, cellulitis, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis, and, in severe cases, skin ulcers. Left untreated, this stagnant, protein-rich fluid causes tissue channels to increase in size and number, reducing oxygen availability. When lymphatic impairment becomes so great that the lymph fluid exceeds the lymphatic system's ability to transport it, an abnormal amount of protein-rich fluid collects in the tissues. Additionally, there is increased risk of infection of the skin, known as Erysipelas.

As the disorder progresses, worsening edema and skin changes including discoloration, verrucous (wart-like) hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis, papillomatosis, dermal thickening, and ulcers may be seen. The most common manifestation of lymphedema is soft tissue swelling, edema. Signs and symptoms Lymphedema in the CT scan
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This commonly include compression therapy, good skin care, exercise, and manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), which together are known as combined decongestive therapy. While there is no cure, treatment may improve outcomes.

Tissues with lymphedema are at high risk of infection because the lymphatic system has been compromised. Though incurable and progressive, a number of treatments may improve symptoms. Lymphedema is most frequently a complication of cancer treatment or parasitic infections, but it can also be seen in a number of genetic disorders. The lymphatic system functions as a critical portion of the body's immune system and returns interstitial fluid to the bloodstream. Lymphedema, also known as lymphoedema and lymphatic edema, is a condition of localized swelling caused by a compromised lymphatic system. Vascular medicine, Rheumatology, Physical medicine and rehabilitation General surgery, Plastic surgery

Lymphoedema, lymphatic obstruction, lymphatic insufficiency